Tuesday, April 12, 2016

It's Been Oh So Boring.....

Sorry, I know it's been a while. A long while. But here I sit. The night before my daughter GRADUATES!! We are nearing the end of this amazing journey. We have driven 7,136 miles so far, and I would do it again in a heartbeat. After the third, fourth, fifth updoses it all became so blissfully boring that I neglected to update this as I had nothing new to add. However, I do have something new to add. Hope. For all of those in "limbo". For all of those who just gave their first home dose. Don't get me wrong. We did have a couple setbacks. Illnesses. Some reflux in the beginning. A super swollen lip after a dose when I hadn't realized she had a cut in her lip. In fact, Ccwe ran out of her normal peanuts and I had to buy a brand I don't normally buy.  When she dosed with twelve peanuts her lip immediately swelled up. This was just days ago. A distinct reminder that yes, she is still allergic. A reminder to never get complacent, even months or years after graduation. She is protected, but still allergic. The lip swelling subsided with a little Benedryl and some chap stick, and all was right with the world again.

And here we are. Graduating tomorrow. And we are over the moon at all the possibilities open to us now. We have the best summer ever ahead of us! And then she starts kindergarten. Away from my watchful eye and allergy-induced helicopter parenting. Away from the safety of a peanut free classroom. And I will be able to breathe as I say goodbye to her and put her on the bus that first morning.  And every morning thereafter. OIT did that.  All of the amazing people that have posted about their experiences did that. The incredible Dr. Mayer and his staff did that. We would never be here without them.

To be fair, my daughter has never had an anaphylactic reaction. Her numbers were never incredibly high. But even if she had and they were, I can tell you with the utmost confidence that I still would have made the same decision. Even more so, in fact. I have witnessed some tremendously brave kids (with high IgE's and a history of ANA) face their fear and become victorious. They now enjoy a life of freedom. And Mom and Dad can worry just a little bit less. It is priceless. Here we come 24 peanuts!